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科学研究 |
王霞, PhD



2001年和2004年分别在大连海洋大学取得学士和硕士学位。2004-2009年,在中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所取得细胞生物学博士学位。2009-2012年,在美国哈佛大学医学院进行博士后研究,随后在杰克逊实验室基因组医学研究中心从事副研究员(associate research scientist)工作(2012-2015)。2015年至2016年,作为高级研究学者(senior research scientist) 和研究经理(research manager), 先后在德克萨斯大学休斯顿健康科学中心和休斯顿大学进行科研工作。王霞博士主要从事成体干细胞和人类疾病的相关研究,截至目前,已在权威期刊(如Cell, Nature, Nature Communications 和 Stem Cells)上发表SCI论文28篇。


1. 肿瘤相关研究:肿瘤类器官技术研究结直肠癌、胰腺癌、肝癌等病人个性化肿瘤细胞在耐药、转移潜能方面的等异质性;胰腺癌、肝脏胆管细胞癌等癌症组织中纤维化细胞的来源。

2. 肠道干细胞相关研究:溃疡性结肠炎相关研究研究病理微环境中的细胞因子或微生物代谢产物对肠道干细胞以及肠上皮屏障功能的影响;肠道干细胞衰老研究

3. 肝脏相关研究:肝脏干细胞/胆管细胞在肝纤维化中的病理改变及其对发病机制的影响;肝脏干细胞移植的临床转化研究

4. 药物吸收模型:胃、肠道气液界面类器官模型在药物吸收方面的探索和应用。

5. 人源脊髓神经干细胞用于脊髓损伤细胞移植的相关研究


王霞博士主要从事成体干细胞和人体疾病的研究工作,并取得了突出的研究成果。她们成功利用P63 基因敲除小鼠为模型,揭示了胚胎发育过程中残留在鳞状上皮/柱状上皮交界处的一小部分特异细胞是巴瑞特氏食道肠化生的细胞来源。该机制对深入了解食道腺癌的细胞起源和特异性针对癌症前体的早期诊断及其预防起到了重要作用。此项研究成果发表在国际顶级期刊Cell上。此外,王霞博士创建了一个体外培养上皮成体干细胞以及气液界面三维分化的技术平台,利用这一技术,从单个肠上皮干细胞培养出的干细胞系在体外能长期保持良好的自我更新状态和稳定的多向分化潜能,还可以在气液界面培养体系中定向分化成为包含各种细胞类型的三维立体的肠道上皮组织,并首次成功建立了大肠炎的疾病模型。这项技术是干细胞研究领域的重大突破,为人类成体干细胞及其相关疾病的研究提供了重要的基础研究平台,并在干细胞的临床应用和新型药物开发方面具有重大的应用价值和发展前景。此项研究结果发表在国际顶级期刊Nature上。利用这一独创的技术平台,她们首次培养了巴瑞特氏食道肠化生病灶的干细胞,并阐明了该癌症前体干细胞的特性及其基因组结构变异与食道癌发生发展的紧密关系。此项研究,她以共同第一作者身份发表在国际著名期刊Nature Communications上。


1. 长期的胃酸反流侵蚀食道鳞状上皮细胞,使得食道和胃交界处的小部分特异细胞获得机会向食道部位转移以替代受损的细胞,阐述了巴瑞特氏食道肠化生细胞起源的新假说。


图一: 模拟巴瑞特氏食道肠化生的细胞起源假说
(Wang X. et al., Cell, 2011)

2. 一个体外培养上皮干细胞的创新技术,用3T3-J2作为饲养层细胞,并在培养液中添加R-Spondin 1、Jagged-1、Noggin、 Rock inhibitor、 TGF-beta receptor inhibitor、Nicotinamide 等多种因子成分。由单个干细胞来源的干细胞系可以在体外长期培养扩增,并且保持良好的自我更新状态和稳定的多向分化潜能。


3.  一个创新的气液界面分化体系,可以将上皮成体干细胞分化成为三维立体的上皮组织结构,并具有完善的上皮屏障功能 (Wang X. et al., Nature, 2015)。








优秀论文奖,中科院分子发育生物学重点实验室, 2009

朱李月华优秀博士生奖,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所, 2009

优秀毕业生,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所, 2009



1. Zhao Y, Zhang B, Ma Y, Zhao F, Chen J, Wang B, Jin H, Zhou F, Guan J, Zhao Q, Wang H, Liu Q#, Zhao F#, Wang X# Colorectal Cancer Patient-derived 2D and 3D Models Efficiently Recapitulate Inter- and Intra-tumoral Heterogeneity. Advanced Science. 2022 (DOI: 10.1002/advs.202201539)

2. Yamamoto Y*, Wang X*(*Co-first authors), Bertrand D, Kern F, Zhang T, Deluba M, Srivastava S, Khor CC, Hu YY, Wilson L, Blaszyk H, Rolshud D, Ming T,Liu JJ, Howitt B, Vincent M, Crum CP, Nagarajan N, Ho KY, McKeon F, and Xian W.  Mutational spectrum of Barrett’s stem cells suggests paths to initiation of a precancerous lesion. Nature Communications. 2016. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10380.

3. Yamamoto Y, Ning G, Howitt B, Mehra K, Wu LY, Wang X, Hong Y, Kern F, Nagarajan N,  Torti S, Brewer M, Choolani M, McKeon F, Crum CP and Xian W. In Vitro and In Vivo Correlates of Physiologic and Neoplastic Human Fallopian Tube Stem Cells. Manuscript in revision. The Journal of Pathology. 2016. 238:519-530.

4. Wang X*, Yamamoto Y*(*Co-first authors), Wilson LH, Zhang T, Howitt B, Ning G, Hong Y, Khor CC, Chevalier B, Bertrand D, Nagarajan N, Sylvester FA, Farrow MA, Lacy DB, Ho KY, Crum CP, McKeon F and Xian W. Cloning and variation of ground state intestinal stem cells. Nature. 2015. 522(7555):173-178.

5. Zuo W, Zhang T, Wu DZ, Guan SP, Liew AA, Yamamoto Y, Wang X, Lim SJ, Vincent M, Lessard M, Crum CP, Xian W, McKeon F. P63(+)Krt5(+) distal airway stem cells are essential for lung regeneration. Nature. 2015. 517(7536): 616-20.

6. Ning G, Bijron JG, Yamamoto Y, Wang X, Howitt BE, Herfs M, Yang E, Hong Y, Cornille M, Wu L, Hanamornroongruang S, McKeon FD, Crum CP, Xian W. The PAX2-null immunophenotype defines multiple lineages with common expression signatures in benign and neoplastic oviductal epithelium. The Journal of Pathology. 2014. 234(4): 478-87.

7. Herfs M, Yamamoto Y, Laury A, Wang X, Nucci MR, McLaughlin-Drubin ME, Münger K, Feldman S, McKeon F, Xian W, and Crum CP. A discrete population of squamocolumnar junction cells implicated in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer. PNAS. 2012. 109(26): 10516–10521.

8. Gao, Y., Wei, J., Han, J., Wang, X., Su, G., Zhao, Y., Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Cao, J., and Dai, J. The Novel Function of OCT4B Isoform-265 in Genotoxic Stress. Stem Cells. 2012. 30(4):665-72.

9. Wang X*, Ouyang H*, Yamamoto Y*, (*Co-first authors), Kumar PA, Wei TS, Dagher R, Vincent M, Lu X, Bellizzi AM, Ho KY, Crum CP, Xian W, McKeon F.  Residual embryonic cells as precursors of a Barrett's-like metaplasia. Cell. 2011. 145(7):1023-35. Featured Article in Cell. Highlighted in Nature Reviews Cancer. Faculty 1000 Biology: 10 (Exceptional).

10. Wang, X and Dai, J. Isoforms of OCT4 contribute to the confusing diversity in stem cell biology. Stem Cells. 2010. 28(5):885-93. (Invited Review)

11. Gao, Y., Wang, X. *(* Co-first authors), Han, J., Xiao, Z., Chen, B., Su, G., Dai, J. The novel OCT4 spliced variant OCT4B1 can generate three protein isoforms by alternative splicing into OCT4B. J Genet Genomics. 2010. 37(7):461-5

12. Zhang, J., Wang, X. *(* Co-first authors), Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Li, W., Lu, Y. and Dai, J. The human pluripotency gene NANOG/NANOGP8 is expressed in gastric cancer and associated with tumor development. Oncology Letters. 2010. 1(3):457-463.

13. Zhang, W., Wang, X., Xiao, Z., Liu, W., Chen, B. and Dai, J.  Mapping of the minimal internal ribosome entry site element in the human embryonic stem cell gene OCT4B mRNA. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2010. 394(3):750-4

14. Zhao, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, X., Chen, B., Xiao, Z., Shi, C., Wei, Z., Hou, X., Wang, Q. and Dai, J. The osteogenic effect of bone morphogenetic protein-2 on the collagen scaffold conjugated with antibodies. Journal of Controlled Release. 2010. 141(1):30-7.

15. Wang, X., Zhao, Y., Xiao, Z., Chen, B., Wei, Z., Wang, B., Zhang, J., Han, J., Gao, Y., Li, L., Zhao, H., Zhao, W., Lin, H. and Dai, J. Alternative translation of OCT4 by an internal ribosome entry site and its novel function in stress response. Stem Cells. 2009. 27(6):1265-75.

16. Zhang J., Ding L., Zhao Y., Sun W., Chen B., Lin H., Wang X., Zhang L., Xu B. and Dai J. Collagen-targeting vascular endothelial growth factor improves cardiac performance after myocardial infarction. Circulation. 2009. 119(13): 1776-84

17. Zhang, J.*, Wang, X.* (* Co-first authors), Han, J., Chen, B., Wang, B., Suo, G. and Dai J. NANOGP8 is a retrogene expressed in cancers. FEBS Journal. 2006. 273(8): 1723-30.

18. Zhang, J., Wang, X., Zhao, Y., Chen, B., Suo, G. and Dai J.  Neoplastic transformation of cultured human fibroblasts after long-term serum starvation.Cancer Letters. 2006. 243: 101-108.

19. Suo, G., Han, J., Wang, X., Zhang, J., Zhao, Y., Zhao, Y. and Dai, J. Oct4 pseudogenes are transcribed in cancers. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2005. 337, 1047-1051.

20. Zhang, J., Wang, X., Chen, B., Suo, G., Zhao, Y., Duan, Z. and Dai J. Expression of nanog gene promotes NIH3T3 cell proliferation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2005. 338: 1098-1102.

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